A rough 24 hours.
27 May 2015, Posted by Blog inTuesday April 14th
2 hours sleep for mommy
12:12am diaper change, wet, nurse right
12:30am pump left
About 2 hours sleep for mommy
3:14am nurse left then right
2 hours sleep
5:26am crying, grunting, definitely going poop. Figuring it out. Change diaper. Poop!
5:35am nurse right
6:30am mommy goes back to sleep
1 hour sleep
7:53am diaper change poop! Nurse on left
8:22am pump on right, Elora naps
Just kidding. She’s looking around and pooping.
8:38am finish nursing on right
9:02am napping on mommy
9:53am nurse left then right
Eat breakfast with Meredith
10:56am techno dance party
11am asleep in my arms
Pay bills on computer with one hand
11:24am arm broken. Put Elora in MamaROO
11:46am change diaper, poop, nurse on left then right
What time is it?!? We fall asleep together. I think I’m sleeping? Elora is on chest.
2:09pm nurse left then right
3:30pm she’ll scream if I put her down.
I have not peed, brushed my teeth, gotten out of pjs…
My dads in the hospital.
I’m hungry.
I hate everything and everyone in this moment. This will pass…
It passes.
My left arm is going to be huge compared to my right. I should change up holding her…
4:30pm back to nursing left and right
5:10pm spazzing out on mom. Fighting a nap.
Kiss Elora everywhere. Nibble on her toes. Kiss her cheeks. I am so in love with this baby!!! Bicycle legs. On and off she cries. Very restless. Will nap for 20min then cry.
Around 6pm dad finally comes home. Takes a shower and takes over. I make dinner and stare at the bottle of Jameson like a hungry wolf. Totally out of it I go back and forth with odd jobs. Clean out diaper bag, sweep kitchen floor, drink a bottle of water wishing it was the bottle of Jameson.
8:03pm bath time for mom. I know it’s been 4 hours since she’s nursed… So after bath I’ll nurse and make dad put her to bed. Then take a shower and wash hair.
Game plan. Go team go!
Just kidding. A wave of guilt that it’s been 4 hours since her last feed hits me. Idea!!! I’m brilliant. I brought her in the tub with me and nursed right then left. She loved the water.
Daddy is now giving her a lavender coconut oil massage.
9pm bedtime for Elora. Hopefully.
Just kidding….
Techno dance party it is…
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